Sinfonia per due violini
the artist who bangs his head against the wall
something to strive for and struggle against
Fredrik Hagstedt
Fredrik Hagstedt (born 1975)
Sinfonia per due violini (2011)
- Primo movimento listen
- Secondo movimento listen
- Terzo movimento listen
- Quarto movimento
Depurazione (2002) listen
nosag CD 192
order through Naxos Sweden or CD Universe or nosag shop

Martin Gelland, Fredrik Hagstedt and Cecilia Gelland in Haga kyrkan, Gothenburg 2011
photo: Evelina Hultqvist
Hagstedt’s music is persistent. Sometimes it flows slowly and at other times faster, but it moves inevitably toward a positive conclusion. He always pushes us forward into the future. He knows the available tone colors of the two violins and he uses every conceivable variation of timbre together with a full range of dramatic contexts. By the end of this piece he can bring you to tears with his plaintive melodies.
Maria Nockin, Fanfare
Da wird mal sprachnah musiziert, dann klingt in den melodischen Bildungen der Anschein von Bekanntem an, subtil und zart bewegen sich die Geiger in den extrem leisen Passagen, klangsinnlich agieren sie hingegen dort, wo der Komponist seine Gedanken dem Gesang überantwortet. Ob im Pizzicato, im aufreizend nervös gezeichneten Geflecht von Tremoloklangfarben oder im kantablen Melodiestrom, der beide eng miteinander verflochtenen Stimmen davonträgt: Die beiden Musiker beherrschen ihr Metier bis ins kleinste Detail. Die bewundernswerte Flexibilität in Tongebung, Tempogestaltung und dynamischer Zeichnung, mit der sich das Duo Gelland der Musik widmet, lässt die Musik letzten Endes sehr plastisch erscheinen, so dass der Hörer – auch das eine Möglichkeit, sich das Klingende zu erschließen – Szenisches zu imaginieren vermag: eine Art ‚Handlungsfaden‘, der sich, angestoßen durch eine Vielzahl von musikalischen Assoziationen, vor seinem inneren Auge abspielt.
Stefan Drees, klassik.com
The work is, as Hagstedt describes it, a journey between states or levels of “sensation, impulse, desire, feeling, fantasy, thought, idea, and intuition”, always seeking elevation to the higher state of “divine inspiration”. Listened to in that context, Depurazione truly does become an experience in purification and absolution.
So, I have to conclude that Duo Gelland’s performances of these pieces are ideal and everything that Hagstedt could possibly want.
Jerry Dubins, Fanfare
Depurazione unfolds as three continuous sections whose initial incisiveness subsides into an inward threnody before this opens out into a finely wrought apotheosis that has been purged of all excess rhetoric.
Richard Whitehouse, Gramophone
No praise can be too high for the intrepid Duo Gelland, excellently recorded in a church setting.
Jonathan Woolf, MusicWeb International
Duo Gelland is Cecilia and Martin Gelland, who play like angels. They have a laser-like attention to the sonic profile of every note, and they shape everything, from micro- to macro-, with equal intensity and scrupulousness.
Robert Carl, Fanfare