blue flower - red heart
vein full of blood
the soul's
the sky
is changing
Tage Lundin
Olof Lindgren (born 1935)
Jieleden vuelie - Livets joik (Chant of Life) (1995)
inspired of traditional chants by the Swedish indigenous people, the Sami, on the initiativ of the Sami journalist, Pål Doj
Sju impressioner (Seven Impressions) (2000)
with poems by the painter Tage Lundin in Lappland
En Lapp-Nils legend (The Legend of the Sami fiddler, Lapp-Nils) (1996)
words by Berta Magnusson
Öppen dörr (Open Door), Double concerto for two violins, harpsichord and winds (1998)
together with Ensemble GotlandsMusiken
Concerto Canto "Flammor vid fjällets fot" (Flames from the foot of the mountain) (2002) for 2 violins and mixed choir
Dresdner Kammerchor, conducted by Hans Christoph Rademann
nosag CD 142
order through Naxos Sweden or CD Universe or nosag shop

Tage Lundin Naturfärg (1998)